French legal disclaimer website is published by members of the EPOPé team working for the National Perinatal Survey (ENP). Team members managing the site will be designated by ENP team later.

The EPOPé team is affiliated to INSERM and the University of Paris.


Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (Inserm).
101 rue de Tolbiac, 75654 Paris cedex 13
Phone number + 33 (0)1 44 23 60 00

Director of publication : Camille Le Ray

Publishers : Nathalie Lelong, Hélène Cinelli, Béatrice Blondel

Webmestre : Laurent Angeli

Hosting company

The site is hosted by the Gandi company
63, 65 Boulevard Massena 75013 Paris France
RCS Paris B. 423 093 459
SIRET 423 093 459 00042
APE 6311Z
SAS whose capital is 800,000 Euros
TVA number FR81423093459
Phone Number : +33170377661 / Fax : +33170377860

Conception and realisation

Laurent ANGELI

Limitation of liability

Access to the site may be interrupted at any time, without notice, especially in case of force majeure, maintenance or if the ENP team decides to suspend or stop the provision of this service. The obligation to provide the service is therefore limited to an obligation of means.

The site is governed by French law. Foreign users formally accept the application of French law by visiting this website and using all or part of the site’s features.

Website content

The ENP team strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of the informations when it is posted on the website to the best of its ability. However, the ENP team does not guarantee in any way the accuracy or completeness of information available on the site. Information on this site is non-contractual and can be changed at any time.

Intellectual property

The ENP team grants the user the right to reproduce all or part of the content of the site, in a copy for backup copy or print on paper. This right is granted in the context of strictly personal, private and non-collective use.

Nevertheless, content, texts, including press releases, videos, images and animations that appear or are available on the site, are protected by intellectual property law. They are the exclusive property of the ENP team or for which the ENP team has the necessary and sufficient rights in the operation of the site. As such users agree not to copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit or disseminate content of the site protected by intellectual property law, without prior and written permission of Inserm.

Brands and logos on the site are, except for the logos of the partners on the home page, the property of the ENP team. Unless pre-authorized written permission is given, the internet user does not have permission to use them

Photo credits

The images on the home page header are from Shutterstock.

Personal data

The ENP team uses the Google Analytics statistical tool to measure the site’s audience and improve its services. You can disable this tool using the Google Analytics deactivation module.

On your first visit, you have the option to accept Google Analytics cookies through an ad banner. You can change your choice with the Cookie Management link at the bottom of the page.

The ENP team undertakes not to disclose to third parties the information that the Internet user provides. Data provided remains confidential and will only be used for the purposes of the service.