The article on trends in perinatal health based on data from the National Perinatal Surveys is available online.
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The results of the extensions of the National Perinatal Survey in the French overseas departments and regions conducted by Santé publique France and the ARS…
The 2021 Report is available in English
The EPOPé team warmly thanks the 1400 midwife investigators mobilized to carry out the survey. Their work is essential for data quality. We sincerely apologize…
All questionnaires were reread and scanned. The analyses will begin shortly. The survey report with the first descriptive data will be published in the fall…
The two-month follow-up of the National Perinatal Survey has been completed. Of the 13,500 women included in maternity, half has responded to the new questionnaire.…
In May 2021, two-month follow-up of the National Perinatal Survey will begin (until June 5). At the same time, the EPIFANE survey conducted by Public…
A midwife will contact you during your stay in the maternity ward and ask you about your pregnancy, your delivery, and the health of your baby.…
In metropolitan France, before their delivery, 64% of women wanted epidural anaesthesia, and 21% of women considered it; 82% of women who gave birth vaginally…
The results of the last four National Perinatal Surveysshow contrasting changes between 1995 and 2016. Certain risk factors, such as maternal age and obesity, increased.…